A champagne socialist reflects on Western culture and the Universe... and whilst gazing at his navel, he comes up with a lot of useless lint. It is the fruits of this navel-gazing that form the substance of this blog.
and Bishop's school chaplaincy plan
Published on November 9, 2006 By Champas Socialist In Politics
This is the cartoon I would draw if I had time to draw right now:

Saddam hears news of Rumsfeld
Saddam: In my country, you lose war, your head roll. In America, you win war, your head roll. This America is strange country.

FULL-TIME chaplains would be installed in government schools to lift religious standards and provide mentoring for students under a plan backed by the federal Education Minister.

But Keating came out to criticise the proposal...

saying we needed to cater to a diversity of thought in our schools, be they Christian, Muslim or Marxist atheists...

But Julie Bishop will only accept...

on Nov 09, 2006
Really, how fucking interesting.
on Nov 11, 2006

Putting chaplains into schools is only going to widen the divides between Christians and non-Christians. I can't believe the idea has actually gained support. This new conservatism in Australia is really starting to concern me.

on Nov 12, 2006
right on maso. but then, at least my work day will be improved by the sights of little men in bowler hats sporting funny moustaches and wonky walks.
on Nov 12, 2006
so why is the idea of having someone there with actual, defined, human values a bad thing?

i've met many chaplains before, not one of them has seen it as their duty to convert all the students at the school. rather, their job has been to provide support when needed, in times that vary between the seemingly banal (oh my gosh i have a crush on Timmy), to the heartbreaking (oh my gosh, timmy is dead).

this "conservatism" is about helping kids through life, and getting them to think about more then just themselves.