A champagne socialist reflects on Western culture and the Universe... and whilst gazing at his navel, he comes up with a lot of useless lint. It is the fruits of this navel-gazing that form the substance of this blog.
Ted Lapkin Vs John Pilger
Published on July 22, 2004 By Champas Socialist In Politics
on Jul 26, 2004
Well, Socialist, I suppose it's only appropriate that I post a copy of the letter I penned to the Australian in response to Pilger's missive. It was published on 29 June, and it blows your argument and Pilger's apologia out of the water:


"In his letter (29/6), John Pilger accuses me of a multitude of sins, ranging from “wilful distortions” to “slanderous accusation[s].” My most serious transgression, according to Pilger, is the assertion that he actively advocates the deaths of American, British and Australian soldiers serving in Iraq.

But, trying to deny the undeniable is a dangerous game for someone with a paper trail the length of John Pilger’s. In the 28 January 2004 edition of Green Left Weekly, Pilger was asked whether he supported “Iraq’s anti-occupation resistance.” Pilger responded with an unequivocal “Yes I do. We cannot afford to be choosy.”

In his infamous Lateline interview a few weeks later, Pilger made clear what he meant by this inability to be selective. Host Tony Jones posed essentially the same question, expressed in more direct language shorn of all euphemism. “Can you approve, in that context,” asked Jones, “the killing of American, British or Australian troops who are in the occupying forces?” Pilger answered, “Well yes, they’re legitimate targets.”

In his letter, Pilger declares his longstanding opposition to “the killing of innocent people.” The problem is that Pilger doesn’t consider Aussie Diggers serving in Iraq to be innocent at all.