The ABC's long-running children's TV programme, Playschool a few weeks ago repeated an episode in which a young child (as opposed to an old child) talked about her "two mums". Playschool regularly features sections in which children talk about important events in their life. This was about a child going to a merry go round and playing. She happened to mention that she was taken along by her "two mums", who were indeed lesbos from lesbos. Well, no they were from Australia, but they was dykes. Anyway, a few people in our Government got upset about it, although why they were okay with it last time it aired is puzzling. Their explanation is that only recently did the Government pass legislation in which they made it explicit that Australians cannot marry people of the same sex. The Government claimed this episode was all part of some left-wing activist agenda. Anyway I sent this letter to the newspapers and quite frankly I think it's the best Ive ever written, but it wasn't published.
I strongly object to the 5 year old who was recently given airtime on Playschool to talk about her “two mums”. Playschool should not be used as a forum for young children to pursue their own political agendas against the Government. The toddler claims to have just been talking honestly about her own life experience. But we all know that really the sneaky little ankle biter was protesting against the Government’s recent anti-gay marriage legislation. If the little tyke wants to enter the debate on gay rights, she should run for Parliament.