He's done it! John Howard has said the words that we and the Aborignal people have been waiting years to hear:
"I'm very sorry..." - Prime Minister John Howard
John Howard has taken the first step towards Reconciliation by finally saying Sorry. The next step is to say it to the Aborigines who were forcibly taken from their mothers and fathers by our Government, instead of just saying it to Opposition Leader Mark Latham. How is it that Howard can't find it in himself to say sorry for attempted genocide, but a whitefeller gets a bout of pancreatitis and suddenly he comes over all emotional?
Personally I can't even find an expression of extreme regret for Latho. I guess Johnny must be a more compassionate man than I. Apparently pancreatitis can be caused by too much alcohol. Bob Hawke was talking to Latho when he got the pancreatitis, so I'd say there was enough alcohol in the air to get most of the nation pissed (drunk)!
Well done Johnny, I knew you could do it!