A champagne socialist reflects on Western culture and the Universe... and whilst gazing at his navel, he comes up with a lot of useless lint. It is the fruits of this navel-gazing that form the substance of this blog.
Wahhayyy, we've gone absolutely crazy!
Published on September 21, 2004 By Champas Socialist In Politics
Picture Max Gillies dressed as John Howard, running around a used car caryard. In fact this is much funnier if you read it aloud in a hysterical John Howard voice...

Hi! I’m Craaaazy John from Craaaazy John’s Used Liberal Party Policies and down here in Canberra I’ve gone absolutely bonkers.

Take a look at GP bulk-billing. It was at EIGHTY PERCENT under the Labor Government....SLASHED to a ridiculously low SIXTY NINE PERCENT. There’s no way Australian families can afford that!

And take a look at this! Public schools this year at an already low 35% of our education funding a year, next year only a crazy 31%.

We’ve got 1990 model John Hewson GSTs CUT to 10%

Unfair dismissal laws DEREGULATED! Union membership DEREGULATED! University HECS fees DEREGULATED! so that Unis can now charge our kids ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT of what they were a year ago! That’s MASSIVE DEBT well into their middle age!

Telstra, dental health programs, the pill, permanent retirement… they’ve all got to go! And that’s a core promise!

And what about intelligence about the dangers of Bali, fabricated refugee photos and indications Iraq didn’t have WMDs? I wouldn’t hear of it! Literally. No one tells me anything.

And there’s no need to worry about the cost of oil for the environment anymore... We’re PUMPING it back into the ground. There’s no obligation to pay for our greed until 2025!

But wait there’s more! Vote for us in the next federal election and I promise to throw in hours of sucking up to America, lies about children overboard and unjustified wars!

You can’t get less fair than that for Australian families. And if you find a policy from One Nation or any of our competitors that is less fair, we promise to copy it!

So come on down to CraaAaAzy John’s Used Liberal Party Policies where we’ve gone absolutely craAaAzy!

on Sep 23, 2004
Noone's said anything - but I thought it was good - so I'll say something now and bump it back into the forum
on Sep 23, 2004
I missed this one too. Pretty good champas. By the way are you watching the Election Chaser? They had a skit just like that but about Garrett on last night - looks like your psychic!
on Sep 24, 2004
Thanks guys. Oh no, I didn't realise Chaser had actually started. I've been waiting and waiting but kept seeing "coming soon". Oh well, the bastards obviously saw my blog and decided to rip it off. You can't trust the ABC!
on Sep 24, 2004
Thursdays at 9pm after Kath & Kim
on Sep 27, 2004
Last week I sent that skit to the ALP. Anyone heard the ALP's latest radio ad?
on Sep 27, 2004
Are you joking? Yeah I've heard the Crazy Johns Clearance sale ad - I thought it sounded familar but I didn't click (I'm so blonde )

Did you really send that skit to the ALP champas ??
on Sep 27, 2004
I heard Latham ripping you off on the news tonight. Looks like you've got a direct link to Latham there mate. It's like he's psychically channeling you at the press conferences.
on Sep 28, 2004
Remember you heard it here first! Champagne Socialist: Unofficial ALP gag-writer.
And yet they've got themselves in hot water because they didn't use my original script. Still, I think the hullabaloo is ridiculous. I mean is Crazy Clark's Crazy Clint's and every used car salesman going to sue as well as Crazy John (moile phones). You'd think the Coalition would know a joke when they saw one. After all, it takes one to know one.
on Sep 28, 2004
Excellent stuff Champas!!

missed it as well the first time round. God i hope he doesnt get in again. Hopefuly he wont but for some reason i think he will. He is such a little turd! HIm and Abbott and Costello and dweeby downer who sounds like a whiny mouthed jerk everytime he opens his mouth... *feels better now* sorry i had to get that out. Im so embarrassed everytime i see them as our leaders. It's like something out of a comic book.. a scary one.