I don’t know if it fools anybody, but simply saying that someone you disagree with is “an extremist group” doesn’t convince me. And even if it did it wouldn’t mean that everything else that group says is therefore wrong.
I was pleasantly shocked to see Lateline on Friday running an animal welfare story as top story of the day. An animal welfare group who had footage of some of the crueller practices indulged in by Australia’s wool industry have achieved a good victory. By threatening to expose the cruel practices to the public, they got a major US company to boycott Australian wool. I was not aware of some of the things our wool farmers do until I saw this story and it makes me worry about the clothes I’ve been buying. I’m not one to support Australian industry simply because it’s Australian. That would be like being proud of Ivan Millatt just because he’s an Aussie.
The most concerning practice was “mulesing” (which has nothing to do with Donkey from Shrek bursting into a verse of "On The Road Again") which involves cutting up a sheep’s bum with sharp blades (the sheep is conscious and given no painkillers). It is done to prevent disease. That’s fine, but the same thing can be achieved painlessly through changing of diet, through proper cleaning, and giving them proper antibiotics. I don’t think it’s extreme to ask that our wool farmers use proper medicine rather than cutting up the sheep’s bum.
Nor do I think it’s extreme to protest against farmers packing sheep extremely tightly into hot conditions (for exporting), to stand in their own shit, often leading to illness and death. I don’t want to see an end to the wool industry. I agree with what the wool farming representative said about wool being a great product. I just think it should be done with a minimum of pain and suffering and death to the sheep.
And I certainly don't think it's extreme to protest against the fact when we export sheep to the Middle East, it is normal practice over there to slit the sheep's throats whilst conscious. I'm unsure of how to get them to stop this, but surely we should find out quickly.
The wool farmers’ rep claimed that wool farmers’ main priority is the animals’ welfare. That’s a bit hard to swallow. Money is their main priority. It helps them to earn money if not too many die, but they obviously feel that they gain more money through packing sheep into hot barns than by being humane, even if they lose a few sheep on the way. And as for millsing, there’s no economic incentive to be kind to the animals, so the animal liberationists have created some (so much for enlightened self interest).
I saw the Channel 9 report on the same story later, and I don’t know why a good journo like Hugh Riminton agrees to read that stuff out. The loaded language was incredible. Apparently the animal liberationists “blackmailed” the US company. Funny that no charges are being laid against them. Nine’s story also made no mention of the fact that the effect of millsing can be achieved through medicine.
All these sheep farmers have to do is get the medicine, food and cleaning practices their sheep need and make export conditions less potentially fatal. Oh and stop kicking sheep in the head as the video showed.