A champagne socialist reflects on Western culture and the Universe... and whilst gazing at his navel, he comes up with a lot of useless lint. It is the fruits of this navel-gazing that form the substance of this blog.

You can tell it's the silly season by some of the reactions to the movie "Australia" and its stars. Germaine Greer has entirely missed the point in her criticism that the movie "Australia" glosses over the treatment of Aboriginal stockmen. It is quite clear from the movie that Jackman's character was ostracised by the white community for being sympathetic towards Aborigines. Luhrmann's movie shows the Aboriginal stockmen being subjected to racist taunts and differential treatment in pubs with quite shocking realism. It also does not shy away from showing the racist motivations of many of those who removed Aboriginal children from their parents. This is a movie that we should be proud of for the way it faces up to some of the horrible things that have happened in our past and manages to take that story to a broader audience. In fact, this movie affected me more than Rabbit Proof Fence did. Who cares about the critics, Luhrmann has produced his best work to date.

As for Nicole Kidman's blowing of the didgeridoo, both sides have become ridiculously shrill. It must be the hot weather. No one has "threatened" Kidman with infertility. It is a long standing belief of many Aborigines that if a woman plays the didgeridoo that she will be cursed. Most religions have ideas that seem strange to those outside that religion. Kidman's actions were unfortunate, but she did not intend any malice. Let's all try to be a little more tolerant of each other this Christmas season.

on Dec 17, 2008

I have a didgeridoo.


on Dec 18, 2008

I take it you are a woman?

on Dec 18, 2008

It's only certain aborigine groups with taboos about didges anyway, so maybe she's just a follower of their rules rather than the more prohibitive ones.

I wouldn't go see the movie - I doubt there's much in it that would interest me apart from a slightly morbid fascination with the polished stone that is Kidman's face - but I'm glad to hear there's at least some refutation to Greer's points.