A champagne socialist reflects on Western culture and the Universe... and whilst gazing at his navel, he comes up with a lot of useless lint. It is the fruits of this navel-gazing that form the substance of this blog.
I've decided to try my hand at political cartooning. I've been inspired by Bruce Petty, who pointed out that he can't draw, and I thought, well then I can be a political cartoonist.

Unfortunately I can't find a way of uploading the images onto this blog, so I've created a LiveJournal, on which I'll place the images. If anyone knows how to get my images up onto JU, I'd really appreciate a step by step guide (I don't really know much about computers). Link

on Aug 16, 2005
If anyone knows how to get my images up onto JU, I'd really appreciate a step by step guide (I don't really know much about computers).

find a place that will host your images...i use imageuploads.net Link create an account.

once you've done that, follow instructions to upload the image from your computer.

after successfully uploading an image, the host should provide you with the tagged (formatted) location. copy that.

select the place you wish to place the image in your post, click on the 'image' button, paste in the tag and voila!
on Aug 16, 2005
Rude, Crude and Impolite!!! ;~D (yes, that was a compliment)
on Aug 19, 2005
Woohoo! Look at me! I can use a computer too!

Tnaks KIngbeeeee!!!

Thanks, ParaTedf, that's thwe best compliment I've had since turning my hand to this.
on Aug 19, 2005
glad ya got it goin on