Imagine this scenario: You arrive in a new country. You are feeling sad, bewildered, scared, homesick, worried about how you will fit in in the new place. You are greeted by the following messages:
“We are in danger of being swamped by Asians.”
“Immigrants: ASSIMILATE or go the HELL HOME!!!”
“The Koran is a violent book. Muslims are encouraged to do terrorist acts by their religion”.
“Go Home slanty-eyes”
“Lebanese hang out in enclaves and gangs”.
“Muslim New Year: Is that where they blow the world up?”
You are spat on, beaten up, abused, ignored, mocked etc.
You respond by
a/ rejoicing at the fact you have arrived in your new home.
b/ find people who will treat you nicely, probably fellow immigrants.
Scenario 2:
You arrive in a new country. You are greeted with the following:
“Welcome to my country. Would you like to come have a cup of tea? ..... Now, what would you like to learn about today?”
Recently I met a guy who had been working on building wells in Africa for impoverished villages. He was telling me how they used to just go in and build the wells where they saw was best.
These days, they consult with the head of the village first. Often it turns out the best place to build the well is on a sacred site. (Oh! So that’s why the villagers used to get pissed off at us!) They go through various ceremonial processes and negotiate with the head, explaining to him why they want to build the well on that site. The guy I met said he’d never had a head reject the idea after that and the villagers were grateful.
And that’s why many Africans are turning to Christianity these days even though the Christian charity workers don’t force them to. They simply do the work, then they go off to their Christian ceremonies, and the Africans, who have developed a relationship with the charity workers, ask them about their religion.
Lesson: If you treat people civilly, take time to get to know them, and work with them, they will feel more inclined to work with you. You will learn from each other.
If you abuse them, they will run away or attack you.