A couple of weeks ago I posted an article called "a history of liberalism". It was crap. I apologise. What I wrote had nothing to do with postmodernism, as Chakgogka pointed out.
When I write about postmodernism at Uni, I explain myself well. Part of this is because I actually have the sources by my side and I have to reference them. This means that I don’t contradict myself all over the place and I stick to what they said. References keep you on track and remove contradictions. That’s why I am disparaging about pseudo-intellectuals. Yes I’m an intellectual elitist. And yet I went all pseudo-intellectual on my blog. Bygones.
When I write on JU I also try to make it more understandable to people who haven’t studied this stuff. The result often seems to be that I dumb it down and change the meaning. It also meant that I used outdated, modernist interpretations of class in an attempt to make a postmodern point. BakerStreet picked up on that. Then I went off on some tangent about Britney Spears which had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
Anyway, if you read it, sorry. It was crap. Ignore it ever happened.