Welcome to the inaugural Moet & Chandon Champagne Socialist Blog Awards. 2004 has been a big year for blogging and for politics. Politically, champagne socialism has taken a battering, but next year will be the year comrades. Next year is the year of the revolution. Next year, the people will spontaneously rise up and claim victory. In a few moments, poverty will dissipate, racism will fade away and all people will learn to live in harmony within our communist utopia.The time is nigh comrades...
This is my 100th article, so I thought I should do something spesh. Some of you will be aware that I, the Champ, recently went through a middle-aged crisis*, where I stopped writing about politics and started coming over all peaceful and at one with the world. But before I went on this wanky, peaceful path to enlightenment, I was a relatively popular blogger. Correction: I was a widely-read political blogger. No one liked me, but a fair few read my uninformed twaddle. In that time, I ...
A couple of weeks ago I posted an article called "a history of liberalism". It was crap. I apologise. What I wrote had nothing to do with postmodernism, as Chakgogka pointed out. When I write about postmodernism at Uni, I explain myself well. Part of this is because I actually have the sources by my side and I have to reference them. This means that I don’t contradict myself all over the place and I stick to what they said. References keep you on track and remove contradictions. That’s wh...
I've posted a few of my political cartoons here, but they seem to take longer to load at JU, so I only put some of my political cartoons on this site. But I think my cartoons are so much more interesting and fun than the drivel I put up here. Anyway, my cartoons can be seen at Link