And the winner is? Well, we don't quite know yet. Tonight, the people of Australia have sent a clear message to both major Parties... that neither Party has inspired the Australian people enough to give either of them a majority in the House of Representatives. And it seems clear that we will have a hung Parliament. So if you like anti-climaxes, this is the election for you. Whoever forms the next Government must heed that message. And if I am given...
Most of you would know that little would make me less happy than seeing Tony Abbott as Prime Minister, but that is my prediction for the upcoming election. Rudd's support will help and maybe Labor has a rabbit still left to pull out of the hat, but I don't think they will get over the line. The Labor Party nominated three main issues as to why they felt the Rudd Government had gone off track: climate change, refugees and the mining tax. These were the issues Gillard said she...
Dear Kevin, I thought you should know that the 24 th of November 2007 was the best night of my life. You could not wipe the smile off my face because not only had you deposed the worst Prime Minister in Australian history, you outlined a stunning vision for Australia. I didn’t agree with your recent changes to ETS policy or refugee policy, but you have every right to feel proud of your great achievements. I believe you could have become the best Prime Minister we...
It saddens me that people do not show the same respect to Uluru that they show to places like St Paul's Cathedral. However, it saddens me much more that the Anangu people are missing out on the many employment opportunities that the Rock provides. On my visit to Uluru, I was shocked by the fact that there were thousands of dollars being made through the cultural centre, tours around the rock and accommodation, yet there was not an Aboriginal person in sight. With all the energy and money being s...
I thought an education revolution would mean that struggling schools would get access to improved libraries, better maths resources and more teachers to help struggling students do better. Most Australians believe that Labor normally does a better job at education, so why are we getting a policy that is a rehash of a Howard-Nelson policy? This idea has already been tried and failed in Britain. What will be Kevin's next revolutionary idea? An Economic Revolution that introduces us t...
Les Francais, eux aussi ils ont choisi de vivre dans un economie au lieu d'un societe. It seems that the French too have chosen to live in an economy rather than a society. Je suis triste mes amis. I am sad because Nicolas Sarkozy is the new President de la Republique de la France, which I love only second to Australia. It was expected, I had followed the campaign as closely as I could, but I can't help but feel immense sadness watching the riots sparked by Sarkozy's victory. I don't ...
The other night I spent several hours chatting with 4 refugees. 3 are Afghanistani, 1 is from Eritrea. I would like to tell you about some of the interesting things I remember that these 4 very nice, gentle men told me about their life experiences. US and France’s part in poverty and war Ghoebre came from Eritrea which is in Africa. An Australian Christian Brother sponsored him to come out here. For this he was very fortunate and the visa protection is much better than for his Afghan...
Mark Latham, the leader of the supposedly left-wing Labor Party, has given his synopsis of their unsucessful election campaign. According to Latham, the problem was that they weren’t the Liberal Party. And Latho is going to change that fact. At first, he acknowledged that Labor’s Tasmanian forests policy would have been good for jobs but that the Labor Party had failed to sell this aspect. Now Latho has decided to completely abandon the policy and abandon the forests. Latho’s also de...
This is my most recent article and it was published in the Courier. Michael Moore recently told Australians in an interview on our 60 Minutes that we should vote against Prime Minister John Howard in the next election. It was shortly after a comment by Dubya Bush that supported the policies of John Howard and went against Opposition Leader Mark Latham's policies...... Thankyou Michael Moore, but I’m well capable of working out John Howard is the wrong man to be running the country, without...