It’s been coming for a while, slowly but surely. And finally they have won. According to Tony Blair, the aim of the terrorists is to bring an end to “our way of life”. According to George Bush, the terrorists are opposed to our Freedom. They have won. It started with little things. Changes to our laws. Increased powers for our spies. Increased restrictions on our freedom of speech. Accusations of unpatriotism. But now the line has been crossed. An innocent civilian in Britain was s...
I had this letter published on September 11 2002 in The Age and the SMH. Something incredible happened on September 11. What happened didn't create world headlines, but it did keep my grandma up all night. The world didn't change, but my life was better for it. Nothing came tumbling down; in fact, something beautiful was created. My mother was born. Happy birthday, Mum. To everyone, don't let anybody impair your view of what's beautiful in this world. For there is no greater terror t...
September 9, 2005, marks the one-year anniversary of President Bush’s declaration that the atrocities in Darfur are genocide, yet the international response has been woefully inadequate. On this tragic anniversary, I’d like to ask you to take an extra step to confront genocide; remind your friends and family that genocide is still occurring in Darfur. Send them an e-mail, telling them that for an entire year our government has done little to stop what it has called genocide. As we see the...
Howard tightens terror screws Steven Wardill 09sep05 TRAVELLERS will be fined for leaving luggage unattended at airports and prospective Australians will face tougher citizenship checks under formidable new anti-terrorism laws. Link
Howard tightens terror screws Steven Wardill 09sep05 TRAVELLERS will be fined for leaving luggage unattended at airports and prospective Australians will face tougher citizenship checks under formidable new anti-terrorism laws. Link
I've posted a few of my political cartoons here, but they seem to take longer to load at JU, so I only put some of my political cartoons on this site. But I think my cartoons are so much more interesting and fun than the drivel I put up here. Anyway, my cartoons can be seen at Link
If you think the media isn't racist, this website Link shows a perfect example of why it is absolutely essential that critical literacy is taught in schools. How many of us would have even noticed this difference without it being pointed out? I also wrote in disgust to The Australian newspaper for their weekend report that "heavily armed African-American gangs terrorised the city devastated by Hurricane Katrina". Do African American gangs terrorise differently to gangs of other races? Ho...
Minister tells Muslims: accept Aussie values or 'clear off' Federal Education Minister Dr Brendan Nelson says he will be meeting the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) to develop ways to teach so-called Australian values to Muslim school children. But Dr Nelson says those who do not accept and teach Australian values should "clear off". The Education Minister Brendan Nelson believes the best way teach the Australian way is in all schools including the 30 Islamic schoo...
Many have pointed to the laziness of the Australian team, yet everyone seems too scared to come out and blame the captain. Ponting's last 3 predecessors constantly pushed their men to work harder, be more determined and hone their skills. Their drive rubbed off on their men. Yet Ponting sits back and lets his men play as hard as they want. Steve Waugh was not unpopular as captain, but he spoke of how lonely the job was. Waugh took a leadership role and he imbued his side with grit and determi...
Is Sheikh Mohammed Omran really as extremist as is suggested or is he just a scapegoat for the media and the Government? He is often quoted as saying that Osama bin Laden is a great man. Yet listen to the full context of what he is saying. This is the advice he gives to those involved in the WTC attacks: “"This is not the right way to handle your unjust matter if you feel you are dealt with unjust", but to bring it out to the community and solve it in a proper manner.” This is how he...
BALLARAT MHR Catherine King calls staff "mate" when she visits Parliament House, and is happy for them to address her in the same way. She said a memo sent to security staff and attendants at Parliament House banning them from using the term when addressing visitors and parliamentarians was political correctness at its worst. "I think it is absolutely ridiculous that it went as far as a memo being sent out," Ms King said. "I call security staff 'mate' all the time, and they say the same...
Imagine this scenario: You arrive in a new country. You are feeling sad, bewildered, scared, homesick, worried about how you will fit in in the new place. You are greeted by the following messages: “We are in danger of being swamped by Asians.” “Immigrants: ASSIMILATE or go the HELL HOME!!!” “The Koran is a violent book. Muslims are encouraged to do terrorist acts by their religion”. “Go Home slanty-eyes” “Lebanese hang out in enclaves and gangs”. “Muslim New Year: Is that w...
I've decided to try my hand at political cartooning. I've been inspired by Bruce Petty, who pointed out that he can't draw, and I thought, well then I can be a political cartoonist. Unfortunately I can't find a way of uploading the images onto this blog, so I've created a LiveJournal, on which I'll place the images. If anyone knows how to get my images up onto JU, I'd really appreciate a step by step guide (I don't really know much about computers). Link