“Australia Attacked”. That was the esteemed Courier-Mail’s headline this morning to announce that 8 Indonesians were killed, 160 Indonesians were injured and one Australian was injured in Indonesia . A bomb went off in the Australian embassy. The Courier Mail seems more concerned about Australian buildings than Indonesian lives. Many Australians responded with similar lack of concern for Indonesians in the wake of the Bali bombings. Despite the Indonesians being our closest neighbours, ...
Madonna King launched a tyrade against Leading feminist Germaine Greer last week which can be found at: http://www.thecouriermail.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,10756473%255E27197,00.html In reply I say: Once, just once, it would be nice to read an article about Germaine Greer that actually bothers to refute her arguments. Instead we get the same old line about loony, unhinged crazy old bat and a few quotes out of context. I realise it must be upsetting for Madonna King that people...
Christmas Day is and always has been my favourite day of the year. The nation stops to take a breather. Unlike other public holidays, there are no street parades or giant picnics to attend. Unless you count that church thing I’ve heard some people do, but I don’t know what that’s all about. Christmas Day is a day to be with my family. We have nowhere we have to be, no obligations to anyone. The day starts with the present unwrapping ceremony. This usually takes several hours. Not because ...
In South Australia, a young surfer called Nick Peterson was eaten by a shark a few days ago. Yesterday, his father said he does not want the shark destroyed, because the ocean is the shark's domain. Nick Peterson admired and respected sharks. Mr Peterson Snr should be commended. Do those people seeking to hunt and destroy the shark honestly believe it will make the oceans safer for us? Sharks, like us, eat meat to survive. Because of this, all sharks pose a threat to human life. It is a risk ...
I’d like to pay my respects to Australia’s first ever female leader of a political party, Janine Haines who died a few days ago, aged 59. Haines took over the reins from Don Chipp as Democrats leader in 1986 and proved herself to be a person of great integrity and intelligence. I don’t believe we have seen the likes of her since she left politics and I have often lamented her departure from the political arena. She gave the Democrats real guts, and this was why I was such a fervent suppor...
I don’t know if it fools anybody, but simply saying that someone you disagree with is “an extremist group” doesn’t convince me. And even if it did it wouldn’t mean that everything else that group says is therefore wrong. I was pleasantly shocked to see Lateline on Friday running an animal welfare story as top story of the day. An animal welfare group who had footage of some of the crueller practices indulged in by Australia’s wool industry have achieved a good victory. By threatening to e...
It’s been coming for a while, slowly but surely. And finally they have won. According to Tony Blair, the aim of the terrorists is to bring an end to “our way of life”. According to George Bush, the terrorists are opposed to our Freedom. They have won. It started with little things. Changes to our laws. Increased powers for our spies. Increased restrictions on our freedom of speech. Accusations of unpatriotism. But now the line has been crossed. An innocent civilian in Britain was s...
I had this letter published on September 11 2002 in The Age and the SMH. Something incredible happened on September 11. What happened didn't create world headlines, but it did keep my grandma up all night. The world didn't change, but my life was better for it. Nothing came tumbling down; in fact, something beautiful was created. My mother was born. Happy birthday, Mum. To everyone, don't let anybody impair your view of what's beautiful in this world. For there is no greater terror t...
September 9, 2005, marks the one-year anniversary of President Bush’s declaration that the atrocities in Darfur are genocide, yet the international response has been woefully inadequate. On this tragic anniversary, I’d like to ask you to take an extra step to confront genocide; remind your friends and family that genocide is still occurring in Darfur. Send them an e-mail, telling them that for an entire year our government has done little to stop what it has called genocide. As we see the...
If you think the media isn't racist, this website Link shows a perfect example of why it is absolutely essential that critical literacy is taught in schools. How many of us would have even noticed this difference without it being pointed out? I also wrote in disgust to The Australian newspaper for their weekend report that "heavily armed African-American gangs terrorised the city devastated by Hurricane Katrina". Do African American gangs terrorise differently to gangs of other races? Ho...
A couple of weeks ago, 60 Minutes ran a story about the riots in Sydney’s working class western suburbs. They interviewed some of the teenagers and young adults who had been involved in taking revenge on the police. One week after the story aired, 60 Minutes aired several letters from their viewers, all along the same line: “These kids have no respect for the good and noble people paid to protect them” “What a lazy bunch of excuse-making adolescents, put them in military service!” “Why don’t ...
A little over a week ago, 60 Minutes featured a story about recent riots in some of the working class suburbs of Sydney. Ever-insightful reporter, Mike Munro stayed 3 nights in the area to do the report and his crew was attacked during that time. He showed some aspects of life in these suburbs and talked to some of the kids who have been involved in violence there. When he interviewed NSW Labor premier Bob Carr, Carr said he had no sympathy for the rioters because he knew too many people from...
Many of you have been wondering when I was going to finally make comment on the recent Tsunami disaster. Although officially I was in bed with an incredibly bad chest cold, rumours were floating around that I had been spotted in Canberra, staying in a luxury home and playing with good friends. I believe one lady even called up Phoenixboi on his blog and suggested I was resting it up in New Caledonia. None of these vicious rumours are true. I intend to keep on as “The Champ”, despite talk of a...
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Opening Monologue 2005 ushered in the new and improved Senate. The new senate is fuelled by a healthy disrespect for the will of the people, religious zeal and of course burning lesbians. In turn this has silenced protests that the Howard government isn°¶t interested in alternative fuels. Apparently burning one good fat dyke provides enough energy to run a small town of God fearing Christians for a month. 2005 was the year Russell Crowe felt so passionately about getting rid of Telstra he...